Antartica: Expedition to Mount Vinson (4897 m), a trip with a Russian Mountain Guide 7 Summits Club Collection
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Antartica: Expedition to Mount Vinson (4897 m), a trip with a Russian Mountain Guide 7 Summits Club Collection

Antartica: Expedition to Mount Vinson (4897 m)
Antartica: Expedition to Mount Vinson (4897 m)
A trip with a Russian Mountain Guide 7 Summits Club Collection

Trip overview: Santiago, Chile - Punta Arenas - Patriot Hills - Vinson Massif Base Camp – Summit - Vinson Massif BC – Patriot Hills – Punta Arenas

Why go there?
An expedition to Vinson Peak is often called the “Key to Seven Summits”. No, the mountain itself does not present serious technical problems, but it is very difficult in terms of getting to it. For that there are two weighty reasons: its utter remoteness and the high price of any expedition there. So, a trip to Vinson Massif is exceptionally interesting and prestigious. So few people have done it!

Our program starts in Punta Arenas (Chile). From there an IL-76 aircraft takes us to Patriot Hills in Antarctica. It is an airstrip belonging to Chile and rented by Americans for their tourist flights. From here a small plane brings us to Vinson Massif Base Camp (BC), where we pitch our tents. From here, having fixed Camp 2 and 3, we start for the summit.

Antartica: Expedition to Mount Vinson (4897 m) Antartica: Expedition to Mount Vinson (4897 m) Antartica: Expedition to Mount Vinson (4897 m) Antartica: Expedition to Mount Vinson (4897 m)

Antarctica is an extremely cold place, even in summer (mild winter rather), but as a compensation we will have the sun all 24 hours, will not need head torches and can save on batteries.

We suggest you should arrive in Punta Arenas at least 3 days before the official start of the expedition. Due to the very unstable weather in that area our out-flight cannot be definitely fixed well in advance: the date has to be adjusted to the weather’s whims. The waiting should not be too long (1-3 days), but, alas, a 10 days’ one has been recorded.

Description of the region: The Vinson Massif is a part of the Sentinel Range (Ellsworth Mountains), lying in the west of Antarctica and overlooking the Ronne Ice Shelf. Discovered in 1935 by the American explorer Lincoln Ellsworth, it is the highest massif on the continent (Mt.Vinson - 16,066 ft or 4,897 m)

Travel program

Day 1: Arrival in Punta Arenas. Hotel accommodation
Day 2: Buying food and equipment
Day 3: Briefing in the Adventure Network office. Sorting out and packing the equipment
Day 4: Flight to Patriot Hills
Day 5: Flight from Patriot Hills to Vinson Massif. Camp 1 at 2,150m
Day 6: Acclimatization outing. Preparation for the ascent
Day 7: 8 hours’ walk to Camp 2 (2,900 m)
Day 8: 6 hours' walk to Camp 3 (3,900 m)
Day 9: Acclimatization day
Day 10: Summit day
Day 11: Reserve day to make up for bad weather
Day 12: Reserve day to make up for bad weather. Option for good weather: climb of Mt Shinn (not far from Vinson Massif)
Day 13: Reserve day
Day 14: Descent to BC
Day 15: Flight from BC to Union
Day 16: Flight from Patriot Hills to Punta Arenas
Day 17: Flight home

» For further information see Downloads.


» Peru Expeditions ToursDetailprogramm [DOC/PDF] 2018
» Weather Forecast Worl-WideWeather Forecast
» Location on Google Maps

Detailed program:
Contact: More information about the expedition
Glory Ivonin 7 Summits Club managers

Manager-guide of 7 Summits Club for Vinson - Antartica programs

7 Summits Club Ltd.
B. Sampsonievskiy Av.#45,
St. Petersburg, RUSSIA

+7 (495) 642-88-66 Glory
+7 921 185 25 28 Luba
+7 916 390 88 96 Alex
+7 916 390 88 51 Luda

Manager-guide of 7 Summits Club for Latin America programs
Manager-guide of 7 Summits Club for Latin America programs

What's included

Services included in the prices:
  • Meeting and seeing off in Punta Arenas (PA)
  • Booking hotel in Punta Arenas
  • Briefing before departure to Antarctica
  • Flights PA – Patriot Hills (PH) – Vinson Massif - BC – PH – PA
  • Food and lodging in Antarctica
  • Group equipment for the climb
  • Climbing guide and supporting staff, doctor for the whole trip
  • Luggage allowance (25 kg on all flights in Antarctica)
  • Jacket (Polartec&Windbloc) with 7 summits Club logo
  • Two T-shirts with 7 summits Club logo
Not included:
  • Airfare and airport taxes to and from Mendoza Regular service bus tickets to and from Mendoza
  • Chilean multi visa
  • Flight to Punta Arenas
  • Accommodation in Punta Arenas
  • Personal camping and climbing equipment
  • Extra expenses in Punta Arenas entailed by flight delays
  • Overweight (over 25kg)
  • Insurance covering climbing to 5000m (no less than 150 000USD of coverage)

Good advice
Important: Even though the possible delay time for the flight from Punta Arenas to Antarctica is from none to 3 days, the cases of 10 days, however rare, are not unknown. As a matter of fact this delay should not affect fatally the expedition itself, but if you run out of the time you have allotted for this expedition, so that you have to leave it prematurely, we cannot offer you any refund.

Necessary travel papers (documents)
Filled in special forms for visiting Antarctica
Chilean multi visa

By air and by land
Return flight from Punta Arenas to Antarctica
Luggage allowance for these flights is 25 kg
Group equipment is divided equally among the members to carry

We can book for you any hotel in Punta Arenas, from 2 to 4 stars. Just name it and pay in cash (or with your credit card) when there.
In Antarctica we stay in strong double tents, 2-3 members to a tent.

We buy all the necessary food-stuffs in Punta Arenas and the members cook for themselves in the mess tent in BC and in their tents on the route. The guide gives a competent hand.
White gas (4 liters per person) is provided for BC and higher.

One guide per 3-5 clients
Health and medical insurance
The group will have a first-aid kit.
Each member must have insurance with 150 000USD coverage.

Antarctic summer: when the sky is cloudless the temperature inside a tent is from 0°C to +10°C. Snow storms are frequent visitors and then the temperature can drop to -35°C (on the tops).

Extra expenses
Hotel in Punta Arenas 30-60USD per day
Meals in Punta Arenas 20-40USD per day
Luggage over 25 kg – 70USD per 1 kg

Group equipment for BC (provided by 7 Summits Club) ✓ Mess tent
✓ Tents in higher camps (2-3 members to a tent)
✓ Cooking utensils (gas-stoves, pots and pans)
✓ Satellite phone ($5 per 1 minute)
✓ First-aid kit
✓ Solar battery charger

Group climbing equipment (provided by 7 Summits Club)
✓ gas-stoves
✓ kitchen utensils
✓ snow shovels
✓ tents for high camps
✓ rope (50 m)
✓ walkie-talkies

Personal equipment for BC (not included in the price)
✓ Sleeping bag (good for -40?C)
✓ Sleeping mat 2 pax
✓ Gas-stove
✓ Personal items for washing
✓ Personal notebook (if needed)

Climbing equipment
✓ Crampons (G12 model recommended)
✓ Backpack (50-60 liters)
✓ Harness
✓ 6mm cord for prussic knots
✓ Screwgate carabiners - 4
✓ Collapsible ski poles
✓ Thermos
✓ Descender (rappel device)
✓ Ice-axe
✓ Camera
✓ Video camera and accessories
✓ Accumulators (batteries)
✓ Personal eating utensils for high camps

Clothes and footwear
✓ Trekking shoes
✓ Climbing boots (Millet’s “Everest” recommended)
✓ Down jacket + down trousers (or down overalls)
✓ Gore Tex jacket with a large hood
✓ Gore Tex trousers
✓ Polartec Windblock jacket and trousers
✓ Jacket “Polartec - 100” - 2 items
✓ Warm underwear - 2 sets
✓ Polartec gloves – 2 pairs
✓ Thinsulate gloves
✓ Thinsulate mittens - 2 pairs
✓ Warm woolen socks - 4-5 pairs
✓ Balaclava
✓ Warm hat
✓ Polartec Windblock face mask
✓ UV glasses
✓ Ski goggles (preferably)
✓ Gaiters

Prices & Dates

Tour Information:
Season: December to January 

Difficulty: 4.5, mid easy (technical 3 + altitudinal 1.5)

Dates & Prices:
From / To
06.01. - 21.01.2018 On this trip, places are still available.

Prices (per person): 44.920,00 USD (3.468,666 Rubles) ✓ Contact us!

Deposit for reservations: * 5.000,00 USD (380.194,00 Rubles) ✓ Full payment 90 days before. No refund if you cancel less than 90 days!

Places: Available On this trip, places are still available.

Trip- code: Number ► Antar-

Duration: 17 days

Participants: Minimal: 6 Maximal: 12

Members: We have some members - join in our group - Contact Us!

Country / Location: Antartica

Mountain Guides: Lyudmila Korobeshko and Alexande Abramov 7 Summits Club managers

Other dates / additional info: Contact Us!

Glory Ivonin Expert guide certified 7 Summits ClubGlory Ivonin
Expert guide certified 7 Summits Club

Manager-guide of 7 Summits Club for Mount Vinson - Antartica programs
Telephone: +7 916 390 88 51 

Lyudmila Korobeshko Expert guide certified 7 Summits ClubLyudmila Korobeshko
Expert guide certified 7 Summits Club

Manager-guide of 7 Summits Club for Mount Vinson - Antartica programs
Telephone: +7 916 390 88 51

Alexander Abramov Expert guide certified 7 Summits ClubAlexander Abramov
Expert guide certified 7 Summits Club

Manager-guide of 7 Summits Club for Mount Vinson - Antartica programs
Telephone: +7 916 390 88 96

3% early bird discount when booking 6 months prior to departure 2018
Legend Booking-information
EZZ - Single room supplement
On this trip, places are still available On this trip, places are still available.
On this trip, only a few places left. On this trip, only a few places left.
This trip is sold out / closed. This trip is sold out / closed.

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Photo and Video


Antartica: Expedition to Mount Vinson (4897 m)
Antartica: Expedition to Mount Vinson (4897 m)
A trip with a Russian Mountain Guide 7 Summits Club Collection

Antartica: Expedition to Mount Vinson (4897 m)
Antartica: Expedition to Mount Vinson (4897 m)
A trip with a Russian Mountain Guide 7 Summits Club Collection

Antartica: Expedition to Mount Vinson (4897 m)
Antartica: Expedition to Mount Vinson (4897 m)
A trip with a Russian Mountain Guide 7 Summits Club Collection

Antartica: Expedition to Mount Vinson (4897 m)
Antartica: Expedition to Mount Vinson (4897 m)
A trip with a Russian Mountain Guide 7 Summits Club Collection

Antartica: Expedition to Mount Vinson (4897 m)
Antartica: Expedition to Mount Vinson (4897 m)
A trip with a Russian Mountain Guide 7 Summits Club Collection

Antartica: Expedition to Mount Vinson (4897 m)
Antartica: Expedition to Mount Vinson (4897 m)
A trip with a Russian Mountain Guide 7 Summits Club Collection

Antartica: Expedition to Mount Vinson (4897 m)
Antartica: Expedition to Mount Vinson (4897 m)
A trip with a Russian Mountain Guide 7 Summits Club Collection

Antartica: Expedition to Mount Vinson (4897 m)
Antartica: Expedition to Mount Vinson (4897 m)
A trip with a Russian Mountain Guide 7 Summits Club Collection

Antartica: Expedition to Mount Vinson (4897 m)
Antartica: Expedition to Mount Vinson (4897 m)
A trip with a Russian Mountain Guide 7 Summits Club Collection

Antartica: Expedition to Mount Vinson (4897 m)
Antartica: Expedition to Mount Vinson (4897 m)
A trip with a Russian Mountain Guide 7 Summits Club Collection


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